New Area Code Information for user's of AreaCodeFinder™
Initial release of this document: December 29, 1995
If you do not have AreaCodeFinder™, the latest version (4.2) can be obtained from the utilities forum here on AOL, or give me a call/or an e-mail message and I will send you the disk. I have just moved and want to inform current and new users of my new address and phone number:
John J. Calande III
1438 South 8th Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19147 USA
Phone: 215-551-0918
I cannot in any way guarantee the accuracy of the Area Code information that follows, however I am doing the best that I can to provide you with accurate information. As I have mentioned in previous releases of AreaCodeFinder™, 1996 is bringing in many new Area Codes due to circumstances such as technological advancements in communications, and population growth. Some of the codes below (dated 1995) have already been included in the 4.1 release of AreaCodeFinder™. The codes dated for 1996 have not yet been included in AreaCodeFinder™ version 4.1, so I am providing this information to you while I am waiting to obtain the "fine details" on each Area Code before I release the new version for 1996. By "fine details", I mean the cities that will be included in each new Area Code. As soon as I have this information I will be able to update AreaCodeFinder's U.S. map which displays the location/zone of each Area Code. The best example that I can provide is the confusion that arises from "Suburban Chicago", city names are not currently available to me. The INFORMATION that follows was obtained from Bellcore / North American Numbering Plan, I have put it into my own format for your use.
This document is provided by the author of AreaCodeFinder™ for the Macintosh.
The Area Code information was obtained from Bellcore/North American Numbering Plan documentation and intentionally altered by John J. Calande III for your use.
AreaCodeFinder™ is distributed as shareware and is available for $15.00 U.S. currency.
If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to call me and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Or you can send me an e-mail message at